FL3 U3 with ROS Kinetic pointgrey_camera_driver
AnsweredI'm using LF3 U3 with ROS driver pointgrey_camera_driver, I edited the camera.launch to set the framerate at 30, but the image topic is still published less than 1 hz and there's no image_color/compressed topic available. Does anyone know how to run it faster? The camera.launch is provided below. Any kind of help will be much appreciated.
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="camera_nodelet"
args="load pointgrey_camera_driver/PointGreyCameraNodelet camera_nodelet_manager" >
<param name="frame_id" value="camera" />
<param name="serial" value="$(arg camera_serial)" />
<!-- When unspecified, the driver will use the default framerate as given by the
camera itself. Use this parameter to override that value for cameras capable of
other framerates. -->
<param name="frame_rate" value="30" />
<!-- Use the camera_calibration package to create this file -->
<param name="camera_info_url" if="$(arg calibrated)"
value="file://$(env HOME)/.ros/camera_info/$(arg camera_serial).yaml" />
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="image_proc_debayer"
args="load image_proc/debayer camera_nodelet_manager">
Official comment
Hello SJ,
I am not sure which camera model of FL3-U3 you are using, but it sounds like you are not getting any images at all. Were you getting images before changing the framerate to 30fps? Some models such as FL3-U3-120S3 only go at 15fps, and others may not be able to run at 30 depending on the pixel format.
We have not tested the pointgrey_camera_driver ROS adapter with our cameras, although many people seem to use them successfully. We have tested the spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver with our cameras successfully though. This will work with your FL3 camera as long as you have 2.X firmware. 1.X FL3 firmware is not supported in Spinnaker.
If this is not a framerate issue, and the default example does stream either, I think you may be able to get more help from the ROS discourse page as we have limited experience using these cameras with the flycapture2 based pointgrey adapter. You could also try our flycapture2 software itself and verify if the camera streams or not, it may just be set to trigger mode or some other non-ROS related issue.
I hope this helps. Please let us know if it does or not.
Thank you,
Demos -
Hello SJ, just following up to see if you found a solution to your framerate issue. If not, can you please clarify the model FL3-U3 you are using?
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