Synchronization Grasshopper3 USB3 cameras
We would like to capture a recording using 4 Flir Grasshopper3 USB3 cameras
(GS3-U3-32S4). For this purpose we developed a synchronization box.
We have an issue related to our synchronization box. We are able to trigger one secondary camera through master camera, but we cannot trigger more than one camera. The issue might be related to the voltage of the pull-up resistor that we are using.
To develop the synchronization box, we followed this guideline and the technical manual of Grasshopper3. But the example in this document explains only connection with non-opto input/output pins. Is there any explanation/diagram that shows how the pull-up resistor should be connected when we use opto input/output pins.
I attached the configuration of our synchronization box. We made some observations to understand the issue better:
- We can trigger all four cameras through an external signal generator.
- If we set one camera as master: its output signal is ~ 3.4 V when it is not connected to the IN. The output signal drops to 1.84V when it is connected to 1 slave camera, it drops to 1.76V when connected to 2 slaves cam, and drops to 1.68V when connected to 3 slave cameras.
Thanks for your time in advance.
Hello Goekce,
As a first step I wanted to make a few remarks concerning your circuit.
- Since the 3.3V from the camera is referenced to Ground (non-opto) you also need to connect this to your Opto-Ground.
- A pull-up resistor at the opto-out of the primary camera should be sufficient. I would reduce it to 400/500 Ohm, so each camera would be able to get ~2.2 mA. Risk might be to get not low enough for the falling edge.I will try to post a schematic, but this will take some time. Please let me know about any progress on your side.
Markus0 -
Hi Markus, thanks a lot. We will do the changes and let you know the progress.
0 -
Hello Goekce,
I wanted to follow up with you concerning this.
Did the instructions help to fix the issue?Thanks,
Markus0 -
Hi Markus, sorry I thought I sent you a reply, but now I realized that it was not sent. Yeah, the instructions worked. We can now trigger all other 3 cameras through the master camera. Thanks for your help.
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