Spinnaker Raspberry Pi OS 64bit support?
AnsweredI would like to develop software to acquire image and temperature data for FLIR AX8 on Raspberry Pi OS 64bit using Python3.
Does Spinnaker SDK (spinnaker_python- support Raspberry Pi OS 64bit?
If possible, please let me know how to set it up.
If Spinnaker SDK doesn't support FLIR AX8, which SDK does?
If all SDKs cannot be developed on Raspberry Pi OS 64bit, Windows is fine.
Best regards,
Official comment
Hello Fujii-san,
I'm afraid that camera is not supported by Spinnaker. Spinnaker can be used with GenICam cameras only, specifically USB3 Vision and GigE Vision cameras.
The AX8 can be used with Atlas SDK but ideally should be used with a ModbusTCP/EtherNetIP application with an RTSP client: https://flir.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1627/~/using-the-ax8-together-with-the-atlas-sdk-%28.net%29
Best regards
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