How to increase recording FPS when using python Spinnaker SDK?
AnsweredI'm using Blackfly S BFS-U3-16S2C to record video. My desired FPS is 200. But Convert Operation costs a very long time, and I get only 100 FPS.
So I skip Convert Operation and directly append the grabbed images to the image list. Then use the image list to generate a video. But the video only has the last 2 frames.
So what should I do to record a normal video with 200 FPS? Thanks a lot!
Hello Shuo,
Debayering raw image with processor.Convert is expected to further limit the grabing fps on host side.
I have some questions to help narrow down this issue:
- What is the expected number of frames to grab for avi file and output of len(images) during this process? If the size of image list is 2, the issue is either the host not keeping up with camera fps or buffer configuration. I would increase buffer count node and change buffer handling mode to OldestFirst. Please reference example code part of the spinnaker python package.
- Without converting to avi file, does image list contain expected total number of frames within the time window?
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Hi Shuo,
I just wanted to make sure you saw my last email.
Please let us know if you have any questions about it.
Best Regards,
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