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BFS-U3-04S2C-CS Blackfly S USB3, Color() integration with Raspberry pi 3 B+




  • Official comment
    Community team
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    Expert (Gold)

    Hello Sanskruti,

    I want to share summary of our remote session and telephone call in this forum for future reference. 

    You purchased our 0.4MP camera (, and wishes to integrate it with Raspberry PI.
    After analysis, recommended lens as per project goal (FoV: 20x4mm, WD: 300mm) is in range of 45-50mm focal length. We discussed to purchase CS-mount lens from Edmund Optics as we do not have suitable lens for this spec. It is also possible to use C-mount lens, but with CS-to-C mount 5mm spacer adapter
    To integrate camera with x64 bit Raspberry Pi and capture images using spinnaker python API would require two basic software installations:
    As discussed, please follow README file part of the sdk, as well as spinnaker python package for installation instruction.
    I am still waiting for your feedback after making this integration. 
  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Expert (Gold)

    Hello Sanskruti,

    We could assist installing/configuring our sdk to acquire live image from the camera. I am sorry, we can not help to implement or develop SQL or related program to track object in realtime. 

    I have already replied you on similar request via our oracle ticket. As mentioned in the ticket, hereunder is useful link to enable you get started on how to install and run our BFS camera via Raspberry pi:

    I would download latest spinnaker sdk version 3.1.x that support ubuntu 22.04 LTS for ARM based architecture. Please let me know in case you require further assistance running our camera via Raspberry Pi. I am also available for remote session to work this through.




  • Sanskruti Sawant

    Thank you so much.

    Yes I only need assistance  installing/configuring  sdk to acquire live image from the camera.

    It would be really helpful for remote session though or we can arrange a online meeting.


    Let me know and I will be waiting.

  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Expert (Gold)

    I have sent you remote session request via the open oracle ticket. If you are not available at the moment, we can schedule a different date/time.



  • Sanskruti Sawant


    I am trying to install everything as per mentioned above. We can have further steps call tomorrow or in next week on 27th December at 3PM.

  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Expert (Gold)

    Yes! It is fine for me and I will send you link before this time. We can continue the discussion in the ticket created for this issue. 




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