Supported Tensorflow version with FFY DL camera
AnsweredI want to train and run inference to classify objects using FFY DL camera, but I do not know the supported framework/model to use with this camera.
Official comment
We only support caffee model for object detection and tensorflow for object classification. Please find below link for the supported models with our FFY deep learning camera: have not tested with latest tensorflow/python version and can not guarantee it would work. Our camera depends on ncsdk version for converting train model to compactible file format, and was tested on older python (from 3.5.x to 3.7.x) and tensorflow (upto 1.13) versions.
Currently, it is recommended to use python 3.7 and tensorflow version 1.13 for sucessfully installation and training classification model.
Here is additional useful links to aid in installation and training or troubleshooting:
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