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Confused about supported pixel format using SpinView GUI and ImageFormatControl.cpp




  • Official comment
    Christopher Ta

    Update : I was able to cycle through the pixel formats with the SpinView GUI just fine with my laptop that's running Ubuntu 22.04 on it just fine

    Kinda bummed that I can't use WSL to write the C++ code I originally intended, but it is what it is

  • TDY_Manuel
    Community team
    Expert (Gold)

    Hello Christopher, 

    What operating system and what USB3 controller do you use? 

    Best regards,


  • Christopher Ta

    I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 in WSL on my Windows 11 machine
    I also have the BFS-U3-32S4M-C USB 3.1 Blackfly® S, Monochrome Camera as the USB3 controller 

  • TDY_Manuel
    Community team
    Expert (Gold)

    Does it work fine when you install Spinnaker on Windows 11 directly? 

    Could you please try to increase the USBFS buffer size on Ubuntu? 

  • Christopher Ta
    Using the SpinView GUI in Windows 11 I'm able to switch between all the pixel formats just fine

    But when I increased the USBFS buffer from it's original 1000 MB --> 5000 MB --> 100000 MB I'm still seeing the same error.

    [FATAL SpinnakerConsole] 2024-03-21 11:25:09,220 [140521327846144] Spin Trace: Public/CameraBase.cpp, line 125, BeginAcquisition: Message = Could not start acquisition. Please try reconnecting the device. Error Code = SPINNAKER_ERR_IO (-1010)

  • TDY_Manuel
    Community team
    Expert (Gold)

    I'm wondering if it is some limitation of WSL then. Can you start the camera when you configure a small image size and small number of buffers (StreamBufferCountManual) in SpinView? You have to set StreamBufferCountMode to manual be able to configure the number of buffers. 

  • Christopher Ta

    I did some short testing with a laptop that has Ubuntu installed on it and a Raspberry PI

    Both devices were able to 'cycle' through the supported pixel formats when using the SpinView GUI and I'm heavily assuming that changing the pixel formats in any of the provided C++ examples would work

    I can confirm those findings with you later this week


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