Spinnaker::System::GetInstance() error when using 4.0 SDK (-1012)
We are trying to upgrade to SDK 4.0 and during initialization, when calling "Spinnaker::System::GetInstance()" we get the following error:
[FATAL SpinnakerConsole] 2024-04-02 15:07:26,142 [3588] Spin Trace: c:\hudson\workspace\spinnaker - release_v2_7 - pipeline - windows - build - vs2015 - git\src\spinnaker\public\system.cpp, line 62, Spinnaker::System::GetInstance: Message = System instance cannot be acquired. Could not load producer. Make sure that the environment variable FLIR_GENTL64_CTI_VS140 exists, and points to the location of the file FLIR_GenTL_v140.cti Error Code = SPINNAKER_ERR_ABORT (-1012)
This only happens in 4.0, reverting back to 2.7 works fine. Checking environment variables, "FLIR_GENTL64_CTI_VS140" doesn't exist but "SPINNAKER_GENTL64_CTI_VS140" does, manually adding FLIR_GENTL64_CTI_VS140 doesn't help.
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2019
Blackfly BFS-U3-200S6M
Official comment
Spinnaker 4.x .cti file has been renamed from FLIR_GenTL_v140.cti to Spinnaker_GenTL.cti. So, it seems FLIR_GENTL64_CTI_VS140 is environment variable from old spinnaker sdk prior to installing spinnaker 4.0.
I would reboot system after installing 4.x for env variables to update properly.
Please let me know if this resolution approach works for you.
Ifeanyi. -
Figured out the problem, there was a stale .dll from the previous version(2.7) that was preventing the copying of the new .dll (4.0)
Deleting the old .dll fixed it0
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