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Ladybug SDK always giving "Operation failed"




  • Official comment

    Hi Markus,


    We managed to solve the issue with the SDK! One of the machine was a noraml onprem server, the other was a virtual machine.

    We managed to make it work, but had to emulate a screen, since they were both headless servers.

    Installing mesa drivers and xvfb solved the issue. Now when running the SDK with `xvfb-run <ladybug_cmd>` it works.

    I believe the "Operation Failed" error message was coming when the context was initialising (before printing anything out, usually at the first lines of each programs main function, where you use the error macros).

    In short, we managed to run it xvfb on a headless server, on a qemu amulated vagrant virtual machine and even in docker!


  • TDY_Markus
    Community team
    Great answers
    Expert (Gold)

    Hello rbalazs,

    Thank you for submitting this question. Let's concentrate on the traditional x86_64 Ubuntu.
    This is not a virtual machine, right?
    Is this also Ubuntu 20.04?
    What version of Ladybug SDK are you using?
    Could you please let me know the function which is returning Operation Failed?
    Did installing the dependencies (apt packages) before the installation return any errors?


  • TDY_Markus
    Community team
    Great answers
    Expert (Gold)

    Hi Balazs,

    Thanks for the update and glad to hear you could fix the issues.

    Best Regards,



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