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What is the meaning of this error message




  • Official comment
    Community team
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    Hello Finn,

    It seems we later included it in this camera. I will inform responsible team to update the article.

    Here is link to update camera to latest firmware 2111.0.112.x that includes lossless compression:

    I hope all your questions have been answered.


  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Hello Finn,

    This error code is reserved for GenTL related exception. It seems during application execution end acquisition was called when camera has not been initialized? Do you see the same issue running our example code?



  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Expert (Gold)

    Hi Finn,

    I just wanted to get an update from you regarding this issue? Were you able to identify the actual cause of the exception by comparing your custom code with our example project?



  • Finn H

    Hi Ifeanyi,

    I did not experience the issue when using one of the example scripts, there must have been an issue with how I closed the camera in my code. I have since refactored the code and this error message does no longer occur. Sadly, I am experiencing a new error, when running multiple cameras simultaneously on the same machine:

    Spinnaker: Could not queue buffer  [-1013]

    What is the meaning/cause of this message?

    My code now operates with callbacks/events, but in the continuous acquisition mode, a large amount of data is being sent, since the frame-rate is very high. Is there a way to lower the acquisition rate in continuous mode (for example to 10 images per second)?

  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Hello Finn,

    It seems there is not enough space in system memory to allocate buffer. Could you double check that image is release from the buffer after capture? Do you get the same error message with our ImageEvent example project? Otherwise, I would compare the custom code implementation with this example. 

    AcquisitionFrameRate node is floating point datatype to manually control camera fps. At default, this node is locked, and will require to check AcquisitionFrameRateEnable node to unlock it. Please reference spinView GUI to get better understanding on how to control camera fps.

    Please let me know if the provided information help to resolve the issue.




  • Finn H

    I took the ImageEventHandler class from the ImageEvent example script, with minor changes. I only get this error when running multiple cameras, I will run the example script, but I don't see any explicit buffer release there either.


    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction concerning the fps. I am also trying to enable JPEG compression, since most of the images I am capturing is black background. For this I am following the Compression.cpp example script, however, the "ImageCompressionMode" enum is not readable. I am using Blackfly S GigE cameras, which should support compression.

  • TDY_Ifeanyi
    Community team
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    Expert (Gold)

    Hello Finn,

    I am not sure how python implicitly manage resource, and if that varies with python version. But do you observe the same issue if you include 'image.Release()' immediately after 'image_converted.Save(filename)'?

    What is the exact camera model and firmware version currently running in this camera?


  • Finn H

    I will implement the image.Release() and get back to you in case the issue persists.


    These are the details of the camera I am using:

    • DeviceVendorName: Point Grey Research
    • DeviceModelName: Blackfly S BFS-PGE-13Y3M
    • DeviceVersion: 1702.1.1.0
    • DeviceDriverVersion: none :
  • Finn H

    After having a detailed look at the data sheet of the FLIR BLACKFLY S BFS-PGE-13Y3, I believe that this exact model does not support compression.

    Thanks for all the help so far!





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