Flir Blackfly S Gamma Implementation
I am new to the topic and try to understand how camera pipeline is implemented in HW/SW level of Flir Blackfly S cameras.
The images get saturated when we capture something too bright. When I set the camera parameters to "AdcBitDepth": "Bit12", "PixelFormat": "BayerRG16". Pixels are saturated at 65532. I read the documentation and it says: A 12-bit conversion produces 4,096 possible values between 0 and 65,520. A 14-bit conversion produces 16,384 possible values between 0 and 65,532. My question is why this value is not 65,520 since I use 12bits for ADCDepth parameter?
I am also curious with the saturation value. Does the gain and gamma applied before ADC in hardware level? Are there any ways to capture bright light sources by compromising and compressing the darker parts of the scene? In other words increasing the captured dynamic range?
Black level seems to be always 0, is this expected? How does black level works?
Thank you so much!
Official comment
Hi Mustafa,
Do you use the BFS-U3-13Y3C?
I guess that some processing on the camera is responsible for the 4 lsb being non zero.
Gain is analogue up to 24dB, then digital. Gamma is digital.
Do you mean the black level setting? That is just an offset you can add to each pixel value to prevent the signal from being clipped at 0.Could you please create a support ticket on ? I think it could be helpful to discuss this further and maybe do a remote session.
Best regards,Manuel
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