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How to align Chameleon 3 TTLs with Matlab recording


1 comment

  • TDY_William
    Community team
    Great answers
    Expert (Gold)

    Hi Nicholas,

    Strobe output (what you refer to as TTLs) occurs whenever the camera captures an image; it doesn't change if the camera is recording or not.  However, one method we use in FlyCapture2 is to have the camera with trigger mode turned on, then turn on recording; with no triggers being issued, no images are being captured.  Once recording has been setup and enabled, we then turn trigger mode off, and the camera will start capturing images; this way, you can be guaranteed that the camera is only sending out strobes that are occurring when recording has already started.  I would recommend seeing if you can do something similar in Matlab.

    If that is not an option, then a different option would be to externally trigger the camera using an external hardware trigger device, and not send external triggers to the camera until recording has been setup and enabled.


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