Where can I find the EMVA1288 data (including Quantum Efficiency) for my camera?
Official comment
EMVA data for a specific model can be found in the camera reference manual. For example, the BFS-U3-16S7 EMVA data can be found at http://softwareservices.flir.com/BFS-U3-16S7/latest/EMVA/EMVA.html.
To find the camera reference manual for your model, start from our Getting Started homepage.
Users can also compare emva data between cameras with the model selector tool at Machine Vision Cameras | Model Selector | FLIR Industrial.
The Teledyne FLIR sensor review also ranks most sensors by common emva values as well as other important parameters.
For more information on how to use the EMVA specifications to pick a sensor for your application, such as low light, check out the white paper at How to Evaluate Camera Sensitivity | Teledyne FLIR.
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